ISO 14001 Certification - Environmental Standards
In a world of rising costs to resources and a growing public awareness of the environment, an effective Environment Management System (EMS) can give companies a significant competitive advantage. ISO 14001 certification will ensure that your business is focused on its environmental impact, supported by effective management processes.
Environmental management systems – General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques
ISO 14001:2015 provides guidelines on the elements of an Environmental Management System (EMS), its implementation, maintenance and other principal issues involved, including the coordination of an EMS with other management systems.
The EMS is a comprehensive management system that addresses how the overall business activities, including its products and services, impact the environment. It provides the framework that enables an organization to balance customer demands while improving internal efficiencies, reducing waste and complying with environmental regulations.
The EMS maximizes organizations participation in environmental performance improvement now and into the future. The EMS is proven to be the most economically viable tool to meet these requirements.
Strider International offers a cost effective strategic approach for your organization to successfully achieve implementation and registration. We welcome the opportunity to visit your organization to show how we can make the compliance to the Management Standard of your choice painless and cost effective.
How does my business gain ISO 14001 certification?
Most businesses start with ISO 9001 as this puts the quality management systems and processes in place and therefore makes it much more straightforward to implement an environmental management system.
How can Strider International help my business gain ISO 14001 certification?
Our role is to support and guide your business towards certification. We will look at your business needs and existing systems and advice you on whether ISO 14001 is right for your business.
Make an Impact on the Environment and Sustainability with our ISO 14001 Certification
In the past, corporate environmental protection was primarily aimed at systematic monitoring of on-site impact, in particular with regard to statutory compliance. Today, professional environmental management systems (EMS) work strategically, making employees aware of environmental protection and preventing negative environmental effects. A successful EMS orients your company towards sustainability and ensures continuous improvement through appropriate measures. The internationally recognized standard ISO 14001 supports these activities by applying a tried and tested system. ISO 14001 certification also enhances your image with customers, partners and employees and sends a clear signal of your commitment.
Get Started Today with Strider International – Improve Quality & Performance.
Demonstrate your ability to consistently provide products that meet customer and regulatory requirements. Talk with a qualified Strider International representative to learn more about our ISO 14001 certification and how you can benefit from ISO 14001 qualifications!